Welcome to Total Touch Wellington!

Here you will find links to the various Total Touch competitions around the greater Wellington Region.

Total Touch is one of the largest Touch providers in New Zealand. Total Touch was initially established in the late 1980s in Wellington under the WTM brand. The Total Touch brand operates in the Hutt Valley, Johnsonville and Wellington city. Total Touch caters for all levels of player and teams, including primary and secondary school, family, social, corporate, along with elite players. Our values are to provide a high-quality, reliable, consistent and enjoyable experience. We also aim to increase, nurture, develop and strengthen the numbers involved in New Zealand’s highest played team participant sport.​​​​​​​

Summer Touch: The upcoming season will see Total Touch playing an increased role in the community as the popularity of the sport continues to grow and be the foundation sport for others.

Junior: As a parent, you want your child to have fun and be active in a safe environment. Total Touch delivers and so much more. Kids of all ages enjoy the Total Touch experience and always look forward to the next season. Our competitions are fun for both boys and girls– the smiles speak for themselves. Touch is a great sport for children, it is great for skill development, teamwork and the non-contact nature of Touch means that the risk of injury is low.

Adults: Grab your mates, whanau, colleagues and come have a run on the touch field. Catering for social, socially serious and corporate players, Total Touch offers opportunities to relive the glory days, have fun in the sun and keep the social connection alive with your mates whilst keeping fit.

Turbo Touch: Turbo Touch is our super exciting winter alternative to traditional summer touch. Competitions  are played indoors at Ākau Tangi Sports Centre and cater for all levels. Pass in any direction, 2 passes to score, 2 touches to turn over- It is really easy to learn.. Check out Turbo Touch for more info.

With Turbo Touch, you can stay fit across the whole year and have fun with your mates doing it.